Friday, 30 January 2015

To Begin With

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Note: click on any photo to view the pictures as a slideshow.

May: before the volunteers arrive, ICV Volunteer Coordinator, René Biasone, projects his brain onto the wall and a mighty plan begins to take shape.

Supplies are hunted down.
At the Reykjavik workshop, equipment is made ready,
put onto pallets,
 and taken in advance to project locations by courier…
… or by other means.
Leaders attend training and refresher courses.

Skaftafell, SE Iceland 2009

Skaftafell, SE Iceland 2009

Lake District, NW England 2014
Happily, we have not yet had to use this aspect of training.

Lake District, NW England 2014

Skaftafell, SE Iceland, 2014

Then in early June Trail Team volunteers begin to arrive...

...and learn trail building skills...
Skaftafell, SE Iceland, 2014
Skaftafell, SE Iceland, 2014
Skaftafell, SE Iceland, 2014
Bridge building, Skaftafell, SE Iceland, 2014
... and experience joy and despair.
Volunteer hut, Skaftafell, 2009
After training, the Trail Teams leave to go to their projects around Iceland, typically for 11 weeks with changes of location every two weeks or so.
Trail Teams leaving Skaftafell after training 2007

Iceland Conservation Volunteers (ICV) is the volunteer arm of Umhverfisstofnun, the Environment Agency of Iceland.  For more information about ICV see

And also see Alex Geasley's video at

I love it!

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